Miss Kabuki

Vous êtes nombreux à me dire que vous ne trouvez pas le Chasseur de papillons
J'avais promis de vous tenir au courant :
Il est de nouveau disponible ICI

à la Médiathèque de Saint Michel chef chef (côte Atlantique)
Atelier enfant "Princesses et Supers héros" à partir de 14h


6 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Merci pour l'info..

Zepol Ilustradora a dit…

Felicidades, es hermoso todo lo que haces. Saludos

TheC. a dit…

I like your drawing technique.

xoxo C.

Astera a dit…

Bellissimo! Love your art work. :)

chicoumi a dit…

Il est vraiment magnifique!

MJC *-* a dit…

Salut Adolie,

A couple of months ago I saw a lovely notebook in the V&D (a shop in the Netherlands) I made a photo but didn't look at the artist, I don't know why but I thought that it was very very beautiful! I'm an illustrator too and always take pictures of everything that I love... I was just visiting another blog where I saw a little picture of one of your illustrations. It was totally different than the notebook but I thought: wow, this one is very good. After visiting your blog I found out that I took that picture of your art months ago. What a coincidence! Me comprenez-vous? Je parle un peu Francais...mais c'est tres difficile!I am following your blog now. In your English F.A.Q. there was one question not answered...."*What is your typical day ? (At what time do you get up? How many hours do you work per day ?)
I "